What is coxarthrosis or hip arthritis grade 1, 2, 3, 4? Diagnosis and treatment of bilateral coxarthrosis (hip arthritis).
22 December 2023
Osteochondrosis of the spine is a destructive degenerative lesion of the ligamentous and joint apparatus, discs and vertebral bodies of humans. Causes, 4 stages of development, classification, symptoms of osteonecrosis disease. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases.
19 April 2022
Causes and classification of low back pain. Symptoms, treatment, diagnosis and prevention of low back pain.
8 June 2021
Typical signs and symptoms of necrosis of the thoracic spine. Effective treatment options, therapeutic exercises.
25 April 2021
The first symptoms of bone necrosis and signs are in the later stages. External and internal manifestations of cervical bone necrosis. Diagnosis and treatment of cervical necrosis.
3 April 2021
The article pathogenetic mechanisms of osteoarthritis, causes and trigger factors of the disease clinical picture, diagnosis, and basic treatment of osteoarthritis
15 July 2020