Osteochondrosis of the vertebrae or other parts of the spine is something that more than 90% of people will face. In this disease, the intervertebral discs are subjected to a blow. They collapsed, out of the space allotted to them. This results in pain as a deformed disc begins to compress the nerves.
In a scientific sense, osteonecrosis is the erosion of the spine. In modern life, there is a different load on different parts of the spine. Therefore, something wears out quickly (in -30-40 years), something slowly (in 50-70 years).
With sedentary work, bone necrosis most often affects the radiographic area. It is about him and his treatment that we will cover in this post.
Why can't bone necrosis be avoided?
The spine is constructed in such a way that it can withstand enormous loads. But due to his upright posture, he worked uninterruptedly all day. In addition, the slope instantly increases the load on a given part several times. And if you sit and lean forward, your spine is under enormous permanent pressure. And that person doesn't feel this overload. This is the first reason for the occurrence of bone necrosis.
The second and more dangerous is the spasticity of the back muscles. These muscles can maintain a state of tension for many hours - for example, keeping your back straight all day. The hand is incapable of such a work. Try to hold your hands for at least 10 minutes, then don't clench. You will feel pain. And the back muscles have another structure - they're tonic. As a result, this area is spasmodic. And he himself did not pass.
A person may not feel the contraction of the deep muscles of the back, but at the same time, overloaded drives are created. At these points, the spine continuously pulls in one direction - downwards or in a horizontal projection. This causes bone necrosis or curvature of the spine.
Osteoporosis in the area around the eyes occurs more often than in other areas. This area first suffers from overload when inactivity.

How to be effectively treated at home?
Spinal necrosis can be effectively treated at home. At the same time, it should be understood that this disease is chronic, and cannot be completely cured. But you can get rid of all the negative symptoms in the form of pain, fatigue and "forgetting" that there's this problem.
Also remember that before age 40, bone necrosis occurs due to lifestyle. And if your life doesn't change, you'll have regular treatment - every 2-3 months. The most effective and cheapest way to make your own at home.
Treatment should be based on the normalization of muscle function and their enhancement. First, you need to remove spasm (it is the root cause of bone necrosis in the chest). To do this, you can use a variety of exercises that use one device for complex spinal adjustments.
The device is based on self-gravity technology. Its essence lies in the fact that the force of action is determined by the person's own weight. This allows you to exercise safely at home.
Exercises with this mechanism are relatively simple - need to lie on one spine on the side one at a time and stay motionless for 3 minutes, trying to relax as much as possible. The whole procedure should take no more than half an hour. It's important to exercise the entire spine, as only complex therapies are effective.
The device reduces spasm, improves blood circulation and restores the disc due to 2 effects:
Activate the proprioceptor. It is the most effective muscle relaxant. Proprioceptor is active when muscles are rested and passive at times of stress. That is, their forced activation causes the muscles to relax.
Stretches the muscles and spine. The device gently lifts the spine off the floor. This reduces the tension of the disc, allowing them to heal. The spacing between the vertebrae is increased, the protrusion and hernia are pulled back. In addition, spinal lift allows you to stretch the muscles, leading to their relaxation. This device is recommended by exercise trainers, osteopaths, neurologists, and orthopedists. It is also actively sold in Slovakia, Spain, Mexico, France, USA, Czech Republic.

Can treat degenerative osteoporosis of the lumbosacral spine high quality!