The most that I have rarely experienced a manifestation of an uncle sanyi widespread disease: according to statistics, approximately 60% of the population in a developed countries, to different degrees, suffering from manifestations of osteochondrosis. The main reason for such a uncle sanyi range of distribution, sedentary jobs, lack of movement, for the modern man.

Osteochondrosis of a cervical spine (Osteohondroz) is a degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the intervertebral discs, or which damage discs, vertebrae, joints of the cervix, reduced an ep-je, the intervertebral discs. The disease progresses if untreated, and headaches can cause circulatory problems and even hernia. Like osteoporosis, the disease occurs because the mineral metabolism diseases of the bones, joints less strong.
Osteochondrosis instability can cause a cervical spine (the symptoms, treatment similar to that of the chondrosis, but with many features), which is often accompanied by displacement of the vertebrae. In turn, this accelerates the development of degenerative disc disease, destroying the spinal Class.
Osteochondrosis of a cervical spine: symptoms
An early stage of the disease show almost no the painful symptoms: you might feel the discomfort in his neck after a big physical exertion prolonged ül a tense situation, after a sudden movement or tilt of the head.
The main symptoms – headache, dizziness, and impaired coordination, light crunch, when moving the head, weakness; less frequently observed with a weak hand and numbness of the tongue and slurring of speech, difficulty breathing, vision, hearing, sweating, abnormally high blood pressure. Main zones – the head, neck and collar zone. In most cases, only a few of the listed symptoms.
General symptoms of osteoarthritis is not clear, it is often masked by the use of painkillers. This is a danger: many of the symptoms possible, other diseases, complicating the diagnosis of cervical degenerative disc disease.
Dizziness of a cervical osteochondrosis
This is not always a condition clearly indicating that the disc disease degenerative cervical spine.
Dizziness can be the result of:
- an inflammation of the middle or inner ear;
- spasms of cerebral blood vessels;
- violation of transmission of nerve impulses;
- problems in the vestibular system;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system.
There are no clear criteria, dizziness osteochondrosis. There are, however, they are systemic, and not a system-level dizziness, there are certain differences.
We recommend that you know the difference between the systemic and not a system-level dizziness, it helps the cause to determine a unusual State:
- system dizziness, the feeling of a circular motion of the surrounding objects or organization, which is a consequence of dysfunction of the vestibular system, visual analyzers receptors in the joints, muscles, epidermis (low back pain of various concentrations);
- not a feeling of systemic dizziness, feeling shocked, uncertain condition in a vertical position. If you do not system, level of dizziness-feeling circle-rotation is missing, this is an important difference, as signs.
People who feel the dizziness of a specified type, should be examined, and an experienced doctor, primarily a neurologist, or (if there is a suspicion that a disease, an ear, throat) an otolaryngologist.
The reason for this is that a emergency hospital treatment, not related to degenerative disease is a disk cervical spine, the patient's identification (except vertigo) these are the signs of the mint:
- facial paralysis, numbness of the shoulder strap;
- severe headache, on the background of a deterioration of health;
- violation of coordination of movements;
- or the loss annihilation of consciousness.
A Headache is cervical osteochondrosis
This is one of the most common specific signs of many diseases. Headaches are especially prevalent in the female population. It is difficult to determine, because it hurts the head, in fact, the associated lesions, a spinal. There are about 14 different look makes people a headache.
The most common cause of headaches with a description of pathology:
- spasms of cerebral blood vessels;
- a nerve roots;
- reflex increase in intracranial pressure.
A Headache is cervical osteochondrosis remember the feeling, when a high blood pressure, angina or stroke. In particular, the middle-aged or older, typically a risk of developing stroke or heart attack.
You feel the pain can be paroxysmal, continuous, throbbing, dull.
When the heart diseases patients complain of an unpleasant feeling in the chest, accompanied by arrhythmia a heart. Identify for the reason that only a professional doctor. In the case of headache with nausea, dizziness, chest pain, to take the ECG.
Pain in osteochondrosis of the cervical
Not all pain is a localized a neck-and-neck. Known cases, the different localization of the pain.
Neck pain radiating to the shoulder area, as well as the different parts of the hand. The distinctive feature of such feelings after a stroke sudden sleep, sudden movements, invisible to the human stress, for example, when you're a laugh a sneeze. A pain associated with degenerative disc disease, if a process has not taken a chronic character, usually subsides after a short time and with a crunch a neck vertebrae.
A preliminary assessment is not to remove the pain by using manual therapy (massage). In some cases, inappropriate manipulation may exacerbate the pathology, disrupt the innervation, because you're sick of the disability.
The intensity of the pain can be mild or sharp. A duration – you don't mind a short length mind.
It can be seen that the most common cervical osteochondrosis that is associated with damage to the sixth, seventh cervical vertebra.
There are tests to determine the localization of the pain impulse. Defeat a region, a sixth vertebra is added to a pain, a thumb, a defeat is a region in a seventh vertebra is accompanied by pain in the middle finger.
The blood pressure in the cervical osteochondrosis
A connection for a degenerative cervical disc disease, low or high blood pressure have long been established. The neck vertebrae, important nerve endings and blood vessels.
Characteristic pressure changes during the day. High blood pressure for a long time this is not a characteristic of a disease. Reflex irritation of the nerve endings, short-term spasms of the blood vessels, because all of a sudden a day to day dynamics of arterial hypertension.
The distinctive feature of the increased pressure in cervical osteochondrosis is a combination of the following symptoms:
- headache;
- pain in the limbs and the chest;
- the reduction of the sensitivity of the neck area;
- after the event of pressure peaks in a stress, muscle tension, prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, or other similar situations.
Spikes HELL and a rapid deterioration, based on the health seeking urgent medical help.
The stage of development of osteochondrosis
The development of degenerative cervical disc disease, decided to allocate 4 stages. But this is a class rather conditional, as most of the symptoms of the disease may occur with other diseases.
Section The first (pre-clinical)
A mode phase, the symptoms are mild, often attributed to stress, or other diseases. I feel bad stiffness in the neck, pain at sharp movements or tilts. At this stage, it is possible to get rid of a birth of degenerative disc disease using a therapeutic exercise or just move more, set a power.
The second section
The pain amplified and become permanent, the sharp curves slopes are strong already. Appear, severe headache, the patient begins to tire, concentrate on numb areas regularly face.
The third section
The herniated disc often causes dizziness, weakness, a hand, an experience pain in the neck, hand, all felt in the shoulder.
The fourth section
In the end, the intervertebral discs are destroyed, they are replaced by the connective tissue. Zaselyalsya nerves, which leads to difficulty of movement, severe pain, increased dizziness, is a sound one ear.
Causes and risk factors
Oddly enough, a possibility of developing osteoarthritis, due to the people that its an evolutionary advantage to the vertical posture: press the vertebrae against each other, and with advancing age the connective tissue degrades. As a result, the older is almost inevitable process. But there are many factors that contribute to earlier, more intensive development of osteochondrosis:
- In the first place – you have a sedentary lifestyle, and sedentary lifestyle, often observed in modern life (office workers, drivers and other sedentary occupation, TV, long hours in front of the computer), lack of physical activity
- Intense, unnatural position for a process: for example, a computer person is often leaning forward, adopting a tense pose
- The opposite reason – too high, it's unusual that a person of a load; but the risk even a trained athletes such as weightlifters;
- Any reason that violates the natural posture of ember: the uncomfortable shoes, especially high heels, bad posture, when you sleep, flat feet, arthritis, scoliosis;
- Overweight is often caused by malnutrition
- Frequent stress, stress, constant fatigue
- Local hypothermia
Dangerous the How is a cervical osteochondrosis
The neck many vital veins, arteries, capillaries, and so any infringement could be unpleasant consequences, including hypoxia, hypertension, vascular dystonia.

Intervertebral disc Degenerative cervical spine disease can affect segments controlling the operation of a shoulder, elbow joints, thyroid, hands, and other organs. An osteochondrosis, if not treated, the likelihood of pinched nerves, compressed blood vessels, which inevitably affect the work of other organisations.
How to treat a cervical osteochondrosis
Real, stable success of a treatment for a degenerative cervical disc disease can be achieved only by an integrated approach, which includes pharmacological treatment, neck massage, physiotherapy, physiotherapy. A special cases may require surgical intervention.
It is strongly recommended not to resort to self-treatment, primarily due to the fact that the symptoms of a lower back pain mean a completely different disease: in addition to the non-selected medicines to help the treatment, they may damage.
Withdrawal of acute pain
Osteochondrosis, especially in the later stages, is accompanied by severe pain, so the doctor's first task is to alleviate the suffering. He will prescribe pain relievers, anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins, chondroprotectors to restore cartilage tissue, drugs, improves blood circulation, as well as the spasm reduces the muscles.
Therapeutic exercises with cervical osteochondrosis
The easiest available, including house method – physiotherapy. Although this is quite effective as a strengthen neck muscles and restore circulation in damaged areas, to compensate for the lack of movement in your daily life. Physical therapy can be supplemented with swimming, Aqua gym.
Physiotherapy is the easiest and affordable form of treatment for a degenerative cervical disc disease, however, is quite effective. Treatment exercise can be done at home. A osteochondrosis intensity training the a critical is not just the frequency. In the first place, physical education aims to a strengthen neck muscles to the lack of function of the spine, as well as a help weakened vertebrae.

To strengthen the muscles of the neck is recommended daily activities. It can be very simple, consisting of rotations and head tilts in different directions, as well as more complex, including with the help of neck muscles in the hand. Finally at home they can carry into mind, the mind of a workplace. For example, if the work is sedentary, it is advisable to ezek exercises one after an hour ül a Table or a monitor.
Physical therapy
Accurate, consistent use of physical therapy techniques improve blood circulation in injured areas, reducing inflammation and pain, slowing down the process of ossification.
Osteochondrosis neck using a electrophoresis, magneto therapy, laser therapy, shock wave therapy, medical baths, showers, therapeutic mud, or other methods.
Neck massage, osteochondrosis of a cervical spine
Osteochondrosis massage can be very effective: it improves the blood circulation, reduces cramps by reducing muscle tone, relieve pain symptoms, improve the general condition of the patient.
But massage, manual therapy should be used with caution, mint unfit rough effect on the patients in the areas of test can only do harm.
Surgical treatment
A special cases it is not excluded that one more surgery: narrowing of the spinal column, the insertion of an inter-vertebral disc, spondylolisthesis at.
A decision about the need for a method for a surgical intervention by a surgeon, he determines preparatory operations, the duration of postoperative period and rehabilitation.